
GeoPyContext is a class that acts as a wrapper for SparkContext in GeoPySpark. Why have such a class? It has to do with how the Python and Scala code communicate with one another. By hooking into the JVM, the Python side is able to access classes, objects, and functions from Scala. This also holds true for Scala, which is able to send over values to Python.

Before being sent to the other side, though, the values must be formatted in such a way so they can be serialized/deserialzed. GeoPyContext makes this a little easier by providing methods that will prepare the data before it is sent over. This is why a GeoPyContext instance is needed for almost all functions and class constructors.

Initializing GeoPyContext

Initializing GeoPyContext can be done through two different methods: either by giving it an exisiting SparkContext, or by passing in the arguments used to construct a SparkContext.

from geopyspark.geopycontext import GeoPyContext

from pyspark import SparkContext

# Using an existing SparkContext.
sc = SparkContext(appName="example", master="local[*]")

geopysc = GeoPyContext(sc)

# Using SparkContext args.
geopysc = GeoPyContext(appName="example", master="local[*]")