

The first release of GeoPySpark! After being in development for the past 6 months, it is now ready for its initial release! Since nothing has been changed or updated per se, we’ll just go over the features that will be present in 0.1.0.


  • Create a RasterRDD from GeoTiffs that are stored locally, on S3, or on HDFS.
  • Serialize Python RDDs to Scala and back.
  • Perform various tiling operations such as tile_to_layout, cut_tiles, and pyramid.
  • Stitch together a TiledRasterRDD to create one Raster.
  • rasterize geometries and turn them into RasterRDD.
  • reclassify values of Rasters in RDDs.
  • Calculate cost_distance on a TiledRasterRDD.
  • Perform local and focal operations on TiledRasterRDD.
  • Read, write, and query GeoTrellis tile layers.
  • Read tiles from a layer.
  • Added PngRDD to make rendering to PNGs more efficient.
  • Added RDDWrapper to provide more functionality to the RDD classes.
  • Polygonal summary methods are now available to TiledRasterRDD.
  • Eublidean distance added to TiledRasterRDD.
  • Neighborhoods submodule added to make focal operations easier.


  • GeoPySpark can now be used a script to download the jar. Used when installing GeoPySpark from pip.


  • Added docstrings to all python classes, methods, etc.
  • Core-Concepts, rdd, geopycontext, and catalog.
  • Ingesting and creating a tile server with a greyscale data.
  • Ingesting and creating a tile server with data from Sentinel.