
The Catalog class allows the user to read, write, and query GeoTrellis layers in GeoPySpark. Because GeoPySpark is a Python binding of GeoTrellis, the layers it saves are GeoTrellis layers.

Accessing the Data

GeoPySpark supports various backends to read and save data to and from. These are the current backends supported:

  • Local Filesystem
  • HDFS
  • S3
  • Cassandra
  • HBase
  • Accumulo

Each of these needs to accessed via the URI for the given system. Here are example URIs for each:

  • Local Filesystem: file://my_folder/my_catalog/
  • HDFS: hdfs://my_folder/my_catalog/
  • S3: s3://my_bucket/my_catalog/
  • Cassandra: cassandra:name?username=user&password=pass&host=host1&keyspace=key&table=table
  • HBase: hbase://zoo1, zoo2: port/table
  • Accumulo: accumulo://username:password/zoo1, zoo2/instance/table

It is important to note that neither HBase or Accumulo have native support for URIs. Thus, GeoPySpark uses its own pattern for these two systems.

The URI for HBase follows this pattern:
  • hbase://zoo1, zoo2, …, zooN: port/table
The URI for Accumulo follows this pattern:
  • accumulo://username:password/zoo1, zoo2/instance/table

Some backends require various options to be set, and each function in Catalog has an options parameter where they can specified. These are the backends that need additional values and the options to set for each.

Fields that can be set for Cassandra:
  • replicationStrategy (str, optional): If not specified, then ‘SimpleStrategy’ will be used.
  • replicationFactor (int, optional): If not specified, then 1 will be used.
  • localDc (str, optional): If not specified, then ‘datacenter1’ will be used.
  • usedHostsPerRemoteDc (int, optional): If not specified, then 0 will be used.
  • allowRemoteDCsForLocalConsistencyLevel (int, optional): If you’d like this feature,
    then the value would be 1, Otherwise, the value should be 0. If not specified, then 0 will be used.
Fields that can be set for HBase:
  • master (str, optional): If not specified, then null will be used.

A Note on the Formatting of Rasters

A small, but important, note needs to be made about how rasters that are saved and/or read in are formatted in GeoPySpark. All rasters will be treated as a MultibandTile. Regardless if they were one to begin with. This was a design choice that was made to simplify both the backend and the API of GeoPySpark.