geopyspark package

geopyspark.geopyspark_conf(master=None, appName=None, additional_jar_dirs=[])

Construct the base SparkConf for use with GeoPySpark. This configuration object may be used as is , or may be adjusted according to the user’s needs.


The GEOPYSPARK_JARS_PATH environment variable may contain a colon-separated list of directories to search for JAR files to make available via the SparkConf.

  • master (string) – The master URL to connect to, such as “local” to run locally with one thread, “local[4]” to run locally with 4 cores, or “spark://master:7077” to run on a Spark standalone cluster.
  • appName (string) – The name of the application, as seen in the Spark console
  • additional_jar_dirs (list, optional) – A list of directory locations that might contain JAR files needed by the current script. Already includes $(pwd)/jars.


class geopyspark.Tile

Represents a raster in GeoPySpark.


All rasters in GeoPySpark are represented as having multiple bands, even if the original raster just contained one.

  • cells (nd.array) – The raster data itself. It is contained within a NumPy array.
  • data_type (str) – The data type of the values within data if they were in Scala.
  • no_data_value – The value that represents no data value in the raster. This can be represented by a variety of types depending on the value type of the raster.

nd.array – The raster data itself. It is contained within a NumPy array.


str – The data type of the values within data if they were in Scala.


The value that represents no data value in the raster. This can be represented by a variety of types depending on the value type of the raster.


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
static dtype_to_cell_type(dtype)

Converts a np.dtype to the corresponding GeoPySpark cell_type.


bool, complex64, complex128, and complex256, are currently not supported np.dtypes.

Parameters:dtype (np.dtype) – The dtype of the numpy array.
Returns:str. The GeoPySpark cell_type equivalent of the dtype.
Raises:TypeError – If the given dtype is not a supported data type.
classmethod from_numpy_array(numpy_array, no_data_value=None)

Creates an instance of Tile from a numpy array.

  • numpy_array (np.array) –

    The numpy array to be used to represent the cell values of the Tile.


    GeoPySpark does not support arrays with the following data types: bool, complex64, complex128, and complex256.

  • no_data_value (optional) – The value that represents no data value in the raster. This can be represented by a variety of types depending on the value type of the raster. If not given, then the value will be None.


index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 2

class geopyspark.Extent

The “bounding box” or geographic region of an area on Earth a raster represents.

  • xmin (float) – The minimum x coordinate.
  • ymin (float) – The minimum y coordinate.
  • xmax (float) – The maximum x coordinate.
  • ymax (float) – The maximum y coordinate.

float – The minimum x coordinate.


float – The minimum y coordinate.


float – The maximum x coordinate.


float – The maximum y coordinate.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
classmethod from_polygon(polygon)

Creates a new instance of Extent from a Shapely Polygon.

The new Extent will contain the min and max coordinates of the Polygon; regardless of the Polygon’s shape.

Parameters:polygon (shapely.geometry.Polygon) – A Shapely Polygon.
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Converts this instance to a Shapely Polygon.

The resulting Polygon will be in the shape of a box.


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1

class geopyspark.ProjectedExtent

Describes both the area on Earth a raster represents in addition to its CRS.

  • extent (Extent) – The area the raster represents.
  • epsg (int, optional) – The EPSG code of the CRS.
  • proj4 (str, optional) – The Proj.4 string representation of the CRS.

Extent – The area the raster represents.


int, optional – The EPSG code of the CRS.


str, optional – The Proj.4 string representation of the CRS.


Either epsg or proj4 must be defined.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 2

class geopyspark.TemporalProjectedExtent

Describes the area on Earth the raster represents, its CRS, and the time the data was collected.

  • extent (Extent) – The area the raster represents.
  • instant (datetime.datetime) – The time stamp of the raster.
  • epsg (int, optional) – The EPSG code of the CRS.
  • proj4 (str, optional) – The Proj.4 string representation of the CRS.

Extent – The area the raster represents.


datetime.datetime – The time stamp of the raster.


int, optional – The EPSG code of the CRS.


str, optional – The Proj.4 string representation of the CRS.


Either epsg or proj4 must be defined.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value

Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0

index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3

class geopyspark.SpatialKey

Represents the position of a raster within a grid. This grid is a 2D plane where raster positions are represented by a pair of coordinates.

  • col (int) – The column of the grid, the numbers run east to west.
  • row (int) – The row of the grid, the numbers run north to south.

int – The column of the grid, the numbers run east to west.


int – The row of the grid, the numbers run north to south.


Alias for field number 0

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 1

class geopyspark.SpaceTimeKey

Represents the position of a raster within a grid. This grid is a 3D plane where raster positions are represented by a pair of coordinates as well as a z value that represents time.

  • col (int) – The column of the grid, the numbers run east to west.
  • row (int) – The row of the grid, the numbers run north to south.
  • instant (datetime.datetime) – The time stamp of the raster.

int – The column of the grid, the numbers run east to west.


int – The row of the grid, the numbers run north to south.


datetime.datetime – The time stamp of the raster.


Alias for field number 0

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1

class geopyspark.Metadata(bounds, crs, cell_type, extent, layout_definition)

Information of the values within a RasterLayer or TiledRasterLayer. This data pertains to the layout and other attributes of the data within the classes.

  • bounds (Bounds) – The Bounds of the values in the class.
  • crs (str or int) – The CRS of the data. Can either be the EPSG code, well-known name, or a PROJ.4 projection string.
  • cell_type (str or CellType) – The data type of the cells of the rasters.
  • extent (Extent) – The Extent that covers the all of the rasters.
  • layout_definition (LayoutDefinition) – The LayoutDefinition of all rasters.

Bounds – The Bounds of the values in the class.


str or int – The CRS of the data. Can either be the EPSG code, well-known name, or a PROJ.4 projection string.


str – The data type of the cells of the rasters.


int or float or None – The noData value of the rasters within the layer. This can either be None, an int, or a float depending on the cell_type.


Extent – The Extent that covers the all of the rasters.


TileLayout – The TileLayout that describes how the rasters are orginized.


LayoutDefinition – The LayoutDefinition of all rasters.

classmethod from_dict(metadata_dict)

Creates Metadata from a dictionary.

Parameters:metadata_dict (dict) – The Metadata of a RasterLayer or TiledRasterLayer instance that is in dict form.

Converts this instance to a dict.

class geopyspark.TileLayout

Describes the grid in which the rasters within a Layer should be laid out.

  • layoutCols (int) – The number of columns of rasters that runs east to west.
  • layoutRows (int) – The number of rows of rasters that runs north to south.
  • tileCols (int) – The number of columns of pixels in each raster that runs east to west.
  • tileRows (int) – The number of rows of pixels in each raster that runs north to south.

int – The number of columns of rasters that runs east to west.


int – The number of rows of rasters that runs north to south.


int – The number of columns of pixels in each raster that runs east to west.


int – The number of rows of pixels in each raster that runs north to south.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3

class geopyspark.GlobalLayout

TileLayout type that spans global CRS extent.

When passed in place of LayoutDefinition it signifies that a LayoutDefinition instance should be constructed such that it fits the global CRS extent. The cell resolution of resulting layout will be one of resolutions implied by power of 2 pyramid for that CRS. Tiling to this layout will likely result in either up-sampling or down-sampling the source raster.

  • tile_size (int) – The number of columns and row pixels in each tile.
  • zoom (int, optional) – Override the zoom level in power of 2 pyramid.
  • threshold (float, optional) – The percentage difference between a cell size and a zoom level and the resolution difference between that zoom level and the next that is tolerated to snap to the lower-resolution zoom level. For example, if this paramter is 0.1, that means we’re willing to downsample rasters with a higher resolution in order to fit them to some zoom level Z, if the difference is resolution is less than or equal to 10% the difference between the resolutions of zoom level Z and zoom level Z+1.

int – The number of columns and row pixels in each tile.


int – The desired zoom level of the layout.


float, optional – The percentage difference between a cell size and a zoom level and the resolution difference between that zoom level and the next that is tolerated to snap to the lower-resolution zoom level.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class geopyspark.LocalLayout

TileLayout type that snaps the layer extent.

When passed in place of LayoutDefinition it signifies that a LayoutDefinition instances should be constructed over the envelope of the layer pixels with given tile size. Resulting TileLayout will match the cell resolution of the source rasters.

  • tile_size (int, optional) – The number of columns and row pixels in each tile. If this is None, then the sizes of each tile will be set using tile_cols and tile_rows.
  • tile_cols (int, optional) – The number of column pixels in each tile. This supersedes tile_size. Meaning if this and tile_size are set, then this will be used for the number of colunn pixles. If None, then the number of column pixels will default to 256.
  • tile_rows (int, optional) – The number of rows pixels in each tile. This supersedes tile_size. Meaning if this and tile_size are set, then this will be used for the number of row pixles. If None, then the number of row pixels will default to 256.

int – The number of column pixels in each tile


int – The number of rows pixels in each tile. This supersedes

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class geopyspark.LayoutDefinition

Describes the layout of the rasters within a Layer and how they are projected.

  • extent (Extent) – The Extent of the layout.
  • tileLayout (TileLayout) – The TileLayout of how the rasters within the Layer.

Extent – The Extent of the layout.


TileLayout – The TileLayout of how the rasters within the Layer.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value

Alias for field number 0

index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 1

class geopyspark.Bounds

Represents the grid that covers the area of the rasters in a Layer on a grid.

  • minKey (SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey) – The smallest SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey.
  • minKey – The largest SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey.

SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey – The smallest SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey.


SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey – The largest SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class geopyspark.RasterizerOptions

Represents options available to geometry rasterizer

  • includePartial (bool, optional) – Include partial pixel intersection (default: True)
  • sampleType (str, optional) – ‘PixelIsArea’ or ‘PixelIsPoint’ (default: ‘PixelIsPoint’)

bool – Include partial pixel intersection.


str – How the sampling should be performed during rasterization.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value

Alias for field number 0

index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 1


Produces the Scala class, ZFactorCalculator as a JavaObject.

The resulting ZFactorCalculator produced using this method assumes that the Tiles it will be deriving zfactors from are in LatLng (aka epsg:4326). This caculator can still be used on Tiles with different projections, however, the resulting Slope calculations may be off.

Parameters:units (str or Unit) – The unit of elevation in the target layer.

Produces the Scala class, ZFactorCalculator as a JavaObject.

Unlike the ZFactorCalculator produced in zfactor_lat_lng_calculator(), this resulting ZFactorCalculator can used on Tiles in a different projection. However, it cannot be used between different types of projections. For example, a ZFactorCalculator produced for a Layer that is in WebMercator will not create an accurate ZFactor for a Layer that is in LatLng.

Parameters:mapped_zfactors (dict) – A dict that maps lattitudes to ZFactors. It is not required to supply a mapping for ever lattitude intersected in the layer. Rather, based on the lattitudes given, a linear interpolation will be performed and any lattitude not mapped will have its ZFactor derived from that interpolation.
class geopyspark.HashPartitionStrategy

Represents a partitioning strategy for a layer that uses Spark’s HashPartitioner with a set number of partitions.

Parameters:num_partitions (int, optional) – The number of partitions that should be used during partitioning. Default is, None. If None the resulting layer will have a HashPartitioner with the number of partitions being either the same as the input layer’s, or a number computed by the method.
count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 0

class geopyspark.SpatialPartitionStrategy

Represents a partitioning strategy for a layer that uses GeoPySpark’s SpatialPartitioner with a set number of partitions.

This partitioner will try and group Tiles together that are spatially near each other in the same partition. In order to do this, each Tile has their Key Index calculated using the space filling curve index, Z-Curve.

  • num_partitions (int, optional) – The number of partitions that should be used during partitioning. Default is, None. If None the resulting layer will have a HashPartitioner with the number of partitions being either the same as the input layer’s, or a number computed by the method.
  • bits (int, optional) –

    Helps determine how much data should be placed in each partition. Default is, 8.

    GeoPySpark uses a Z-order curve to determine how values within the layer should be grouped. This is done by first finding the Key Index of a value and then performing a bitwise right shift on the resulting index. From the remaining bits, a partition is selected such that those indexes with the same remaining bits will be in the same partition. Therefore, as the number of bits shifted to the right increases, so then too does the group sizes.


int – The number of partitions that should be used during partitioning.


int – Determine how much data should be placed in each partition.


Alias for field number 1

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 0

class geopyspark.SpaceTimePartitionStrategy

Represents a partitioning strategy for a layer that uses GeoPySpark’s SpaceTimePartitioner with a set number of partitions, units of time, and temporal resolution.

This partitioner will try and group Tiles together that are spatially and temproally near each other in the same partition. In order to do this, each Tile has their Key Index calculated using the space filling curve index, Z-Curve.


This partitiong strategy will only work on SPACETIME layers, and will fail if given a SPATIAL one. For SPATIAL layers, please see SpatialPartitionStrategy.

  • time_unit (str or TimeUnit) – Which time unit should be used when saving spatial-temporal data. This controls the resolution of each index. Meaning, what time intervals are used to seperate each record.
  • num_partitions (int, optional) – The number of partitions that should be used during partitioning. Default is, None. If None the resulting layer will have a HashPartitioner with the number of partitions being either the same as the input layer’s, or a number computed by the method.
  • bits (int, optional) –

    Helps determine how much data should be placed in each partition. Default is, 8.

    GeoPySpark uses a Z-order curve to determine how values within the layer should be grouped. This is done by first finding the Key Index of a value and then performing a bitwise right shift on the resulting index. From the remaining bits, a partition is selected such that those indexes with the same remaining bits will be in the same partition. Therefore, as the number of bits shifted to the right increases, so then too does the group sizes.

  • time_resolution (str or int, optional) –

    Determines how data for each time_unit should be grouped together. By default, no grouping will occur.

    As an example, having a time_unit of WEEKS and a time_resolution of 5 will cause the data to be grouped and stored together in units of 5 weeks. If however time_resolution is not specified, then the data will be grouped and stored in units of single weeks.

    This value can either be an int or a string representation of an int.


str or TimeUnit – Which time unit should be used when saving spatial-temporal data.


int – The number of partitions that should be used during partitioning.


int – Helps determine how much data should be placed in each partition.


str or int – Determines how data for each time_unit should be grouped together.


Alias for field number 2

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0

geopyspark.read_layer_metadata(uri, layer_name, layer_zoom)

Reads the metadata from a saved layer without reading in the whole layer.

  • uri (str) – The Uniform Resource Identifier used to point towards the desired GeoTrellis catalog to be read from. The shape of this string varies depending on backend.
  • layer_name (str) – The name of the GeoTrellis catalog to be read from.
  • layer_zoom (int) – The zoom level of the layer that is to be read.


geopyspark.read_value(uri, layer_name, layer_zoom, col, row, zdt=None)

Reads a single Tile from a GeoTrellis catalog. Unlike other functions in this module, this will not return a TiledRasterLayer, but rather a GeoPySpark formatted raster.


When requesting a tile that does not exist, None will be returned.

  • uri (str) – The Uniform Resource Identifier used to point towards the desired GeoTrellis catalog to be read from. The shape of this string varies depending on backend.
  • layer_name (str) – The name of the GeoTrellis catalog to be read from.
  • layer_zoom (int) – The zoom level of the layer that is to be read.
  • col (int) – The col number of the tile within the layout. Cols run east to west.
  • row (int) – The row number of the tile within the layout. Row run north to south.
  • zdt (datetime.datetime) – The time stamp of the tile if the data is spatial-temporal. This is represented as a datetime.datetime. instance. The default value is, None. If None, then only the spatial area will be queried.


geopyspark.query(uri, layer_name, layer_zoom=None, query_geom=None, time_intervals=None, query_proj=None, num_partitions=None)

Queries a single, zoom layer from a GeoTrellis catalog given spatial and/or time parameters.


The whole layer could still be read in if intersects and/or time_intervals have not been set, or if the querried region contains the entire layer.

  • layer_type (str or LayerType) – What the layer type of the geotiffs are. This is represented by either constants within LayerType or by a string.
  • uri (str) – The Uniform Resource Identifier used to point towards the desired GeoTrellis catalog to be read from. The shape of this string varies depending on backend.
  • layer_name (str) – The name of the GeoTrellis catalog to be querried.
  • layer_zoom (int, optional) – The zoom level of the layer that is to be querried. If None, then the layer_zoom will be set to 0.
  • query_geom (bytes or shapely.geometry or Extent, Optional) –

    The desired spatial area to be returned. Can either be a string, a shapely geometry, or instance of Extent, or a WKB verson of the geometry.


    Not all shapely geometires are supported. The following is are the types that are supported: * Point * Polygon * MultiPolygon


    Only layers that were made from spatial, singleband GeoTiffs can query a Point. All other types are restricted to Polygon and MulitPolygon.


    If the queried region does not intersect the layer, then an empty layer will be returned.

    If not specified, then the entire layer will be read.

  • time_intervals ([datetime.datetime], optional) – A list of the time intervals to query. This parameter is only used when querying spatial-temporal data. The default value is, None. If None, then only the spatial area will be querried.
  • query_proj (int or str, optional) – The crs of the querried geometry if it is different than the layer it is being filtered against. If they are different and this is not set, then the returned TiledRasterLayer could contain incorrect values. If None, then the geometry and layer are assumed to be in the same projection.
  • num_partitions (int, optional) – Sets RDD partition count when reading from catalog.


geopyspark.write(uri, layer_name, tiled_raster_layer, index_strategy=<IndexingMethod.ZORDER: 'zorder'>, time_unit=None, time_resolution=None, store=None)

Writes a tile layer to a specified destination.

  • uri (str) – The Uniform Resource Identifier used to point towards the desired location for the tile layer to written to. The shape of this string varies depending on backend.
  • layer_name (str) – The name of the new, tile layer.
  • layer_zoom (int) – The zoom level the layer should be saved at.
  • tiled_raster_layer (TiledRasterLayer) – The TiledRasterLayer to be saved.
  • index_strategy (str or IndexingMethod) – The method used to orginize the saved data. Depending on the type of data within the layer, only certain methods are available. Can either be a string or a IndexingMethod attribute. The default method used is, IndexingMethod.ZORDER.
  • time_unit (str or TimeUnit, optional) – Which time unit should be used when saving spatial-temporal data. This controls the resolution of each index. Meaning, what time intervals are used to seperate each record. While this is set to None as default, it must be set if saving spatial-temporal data. Depending on the indexing method chosen, different time units are used.
  • time_resolution (str or int, optional) –

    Determines how data for each time_unit should be grouped together. By default, no grouping will occur.

    As an example, having a time_unit of WEEKS and a time_resolution of 5 will cause the data to be grouped and stored together in units of 5 weeks. If however time_resolution is not specified, then the data will be grouped and stored in units of single weeks.

    This value can either be an int or a string representation of an int.

  • store (str or AttributeStore, optional) – AttributeStore instance or URI for layer metadata lookup.
class geopyspark.AttributeStore(uri)

AttributeStore provides a way to read and write GeoTrellis layer attributes.

Internally all attribute values are stored as JSON, here they are exposed as dictionaries. Classes often stored have a .from_dict and .to_dict methods to bridge the gap:

import geopyspark as gps
store = gps.AttributeStore("s3://azavea-datahub/catalog")
hist = store.layer("us-nlcd2011-30m-epsg3857", zoom=7).read("histogram")
hist = gps.Histogram.from_dict(hist)
class Attributes(store, layer_name, layer_zoom)

Accessor class for all attributes for a given layer


Delete attribute by name

Parameters:name (str) – Attribute name

Read layer attribute by name as a dict

Parameters:name (str) –
Returns:Attribute value
Return type:dict
write(name, value)

Write layer attribute value as a dict

  • name (str) – Attribute name
  • value (dict) – Attribute value
classmethod build(store)

Builds AttributeStore from URI or passes an instance through.

Parameters:uri (str or AttributeStore) – URI for AttributeStore object or instance.
classmethod cached(uri)

Returns cached version of AttributeStore for URI or creates one

contains(name, zoom=None)

Checks if this store contains a layer metadata.

  • name (str) – Layer name
  • zoom (int, optional) – Layer zoom


delete(name, zoom=None)

Delete layer and all its attributes

  • name (str) – Layer name
  • zoom (int, optional) – Layer zoom
layer(name, zoom=None)

Layer Attributes object for given layer :param name: Layer name :type name: str :param zoom: Layer zoom :type zoom: int, optional


List all layers Attributes objects


Returns a list of integer colors from a list of Color objects from the colortools package.

Parameters:colors ([colortools.Color]) – A list of color stops using colortools.Color
geopyspark.get_colors_from_matplotlib(ramp_name, num_colors=256)

Returns a list of color breaks from the color ramps defined by Matplotlib.

  • ramp_name (str) – The name of a matplotlib color ramp. See the matplotlib documentation for a list of names and details on each color ramp.
  • num_colors (int, optional) – The number of color breaks to derive from the named map.


class geopyspark.ColorMap(cmap)

A class that wraps a GeoTrellis ColorMap class.

Parameters:cmap (py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject) – The JavaObject that represents the GeoTrellis ColorMap.

py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject – The JavaObject that represents the GeoTrellis ColorMap.

classmethod build(breaks, colors=None, no_data_color=0, fallback=0, classification_strategy=<ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'>)

Given breaks and colors, build a ColorMap object.

  • breaks (dict or list or np.ndarray or Histogram) – If a dict then a mapping from tile values to colors, the latter represented as integers e.g., 0xff000080 is red at half opacity. If a list then tile values that specify breaks in the color mapping. If a Histogram then a histogram from which breaks can be derived.
  • colors (str or list, optional) – If a str then the name of a matplotlib color ramp. If a list then either a list of colortools Color objects or a list of integers containing packed RGBA values. If None, then the ColorMap will be created from the breaks given.
  • no_data_color (int, optional) – A color to replace NODATA values with
  • fallback (int, optional) – A color to replace cells that have no value in the mapping
  • classification_strategy (str or ClassificationStrategy, optional) – A string giving the strategy for converting tile values to colors. e.g., if ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO is specified, and the break map is {3: 0xff0000ff, 4: 0x00ff00ff}, then values up to 3 map to red, values from above 3 and up to and including 4 become green, and values over 4 become the fallback color.


classmethod from_break_map(break_map, no_data_color=0, fallback=0, classification_strategy=<ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'>)

Converts a dictionary mapping from tile values to colors to a ColorMap.

  • break_map (dict) – A mapping from tile values to colors, the latter represented as integers e.g., 0xff000080 is red at half opacity.
  • no_data_color (int, optional) – A color to replace NODATA values with
  • fallback (int, optional) – A color to replace cells that have no value in the mapping
  • classification_strategy (str or ClassificationStrategy, optional) – A string giving the strategy for converting tile values to colors. e.g., if ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO is specified, and the break map is {3: 0xff0000ff, 4: 0x00ff00ff}, then values up to 3 map to red, values from above 3 and up to and including 4 become green, and values over 4 become the fallback color.


classmethod from_colors(breaks, color_list, no_data_color=0, fallback=0, classification_strategy=<ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'>)

Converts lists of values and colors to a ColorMap.

  • breaks (list) – The tile values that specify breaks in the color mapping.
  • color_list ([int]) – The colors corresponding to the values in the breaks list, represented as integers—e.g., 0xff000080 is red at half opacity.
  • no_data_color (int, optional) – A color to replace NODATA values with
  • fallback (int, optional) – A color to replace cells that have no value in the mapping
  • classification_strategy (str or ClassificationStrategy, optional) – A string giving the strategy for converting tile values to colors. e.g., if ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO is specified, and the break map is {3: 0xff0000ff, 4: 0x00ff00ff}, then values up to 3 map to red, values from above 3 and up to and including 4 become green, and values over 4 become the fallback color.


classmethod from_histogram(histogram, color_list, no_data_color=0, fallback=0, classification_strategy=<ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'>)

Converts a wrapped GeoTrellis histogram into a ColorMap.

  • histogram (Histogram) – A Histogram instance; specifies breaks
  • color_list ([int]) – The colors corresponding to the values in the breaks list, represented as integers e.g., 0xff000080 is red at half opacity.
  • no_data_color (int, optional) – A color to replace NODATA values with
  • fallback (int, optional) – A color to replace cells that have no value in the mapping
  • classification_strategy (str or ClassificationStrategy, optional) – A string giving the strategy for converting tile values to colors. e.g., if ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO is specified, and the break map is {3: 0xff0000ff, 4: 0x00ff00ff}, then values up to 3 map to red, values from above 3 and up to and including 4 become green, and values over 4 become the fallback color.


static nlcd_colormap()

Returns a color map for NLCD tiles.

class geopyspark.LayerType

The type of the key within the tuple of the wrapped RDD.

SPACETIME = 'spacetime'
SPATIAL = 'spatial'
class geopyspark.IndexingMethod

How the wrapped should be indexed when saved.

HILBERT = 'hilbert'
ROWMAJOR = 'rowmajor'
ZORDER = 'zorder'
class geopyspark.ResampleMethod

Resampling Methods.

AVERAGE = 'Average'
BILINEAR = 'Bilinear'
CUBIC_CONVOLUTION = 'CubicConvolution'
CUBIC_SPLINE = 'CubicSpline'
LANCZOS = 'Lanczos'
MAX = 'Max'
MEDIAN = 'Median'
MIN = 'Min'
MODE = 'Mode'
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = 'NearestNeighbor'
class geopyspark.TimeUnit

ZORDER time units.

DAYS = 'days'
HOURS = 'hours'
MILLIS = 'millis'
MINUTES = 'minutes'
MONTHS = 'months'
SECONDS = 'seconds'
WEEKS = 'weeks'
YEARS = 'years'
class geopyspark.Operation

Focal opertions.

ASPECT = 'Aspect'
MAX = 'Max'
MEAN = 'Mean'
MEDIAN = 'Median'
MIN = 'Min'
MODE = 'Mode'
STANDARD_DEVIATION = 'StandardDeviation'
SUM = 'Sum'
VARIANCE = 'Variance'
class geopyspark.Neighborhood

Neighborhood types.

ANNULUS = 'Annulus'
CIRCLE = 'Circle'
NESW = 'Nesw'
SQUARE = 'Square'
WEDGE = 'Wedge'
class geopyspark.ClassificationStrategy

Classification strategies for color mapping.

EXACT = 'Exact'
GREATER_THAN = 'GreaterThan'
LESS_THAN = 'LessThan'
class geopyspark.CellType

Cell types.

BOOL = 'bool'
BOOLRAW = 'boolraw'
FLOAT32 = 'float32'
FLOAT32RAW = 'float32raw'
FLOAT64 = 'float64'
FLOAT64RAW = 'float64raw'
INT16 = 'int16'
INT16RAW = 'int16raw'
INT32 = 'int32'
INT32RAW = 'int32raw'
INT8 = 'int8'
INT8RAW = 'int8raw'
UINT16 = 'uint16'
UINT16RAW = 'uint16raw'
UINT8 = 'uint8'
UINT8RAW = 'uint8raw'
class geopyspark.ColorRamp

ColorRamp names.

BLUE_TO_ORANGE = 'BlueToOrange'
BLUE_TO_RED = 'BlueToRed'
CLASSIFICATION_BOLD_LAND_USE = 'ClassificationBoldLandUse'
CLASSIFICATION_MUTED_TERRAIN = 'ClassificationMutedTerrain'
COOLWARM = 'CoolWarm'
GREEN_TO_RED_ORANGE = 'GreenToRedOrange'
HEATMAP_YELLOW_TO_RED = 'HeatmapYellowToRed'
Hot = 'Hot'
INFERNO = 'Inferno'
LIGHT_TO_DARK_GREEN = 'LightToDarkGreen'
LIGHT_TO_DARK_SUNSET = 'LightToDarkSunset'
LIGHT_YELLOW_TO_ORANGE = 'LightYellowToOrange'
MAGMA = 'Magma'
PLASMA = 'Plasma'
VIRIDIS = 'Viridis'
class geopyspark.StorageMethod

Internal storage methods for GeoTiffs.

STRIPED = 'Striped'
TILED = 'Tiled'
class geopyspark.ColorSpace

Color space types for GeoTiffs.

CFA = 32803
CMYK = 5
ITU_LAB = 10
LINEAR_RAW = 34892
LOG_L = 32844
LOG_LUV = 32845
RGB = 2
Y_CB_CR = 6
class geopyspark.Compression

Compression methods for GeoTiffs.

DEFLATE_COMPRESSION = 'DeflateCompression'
NO_COMPRESSION = 'NoCompression'
class geopyspark.Unit

Represents the units of elevation.

FEET = 'Feet'
METERS = 'Meters'
geopyspark.cost_distance(friction_layer, geometries, max_distance)

Performs cost distance of a TileLayer.

  • friction_layer (TiledRasterLayer) – TiledRasterLayer of a friction surface to traverse.
  • geometries (list) –

    A list of shapely geometries to be used as a starting point.


    All geometries must be in the same CRS as the TileLayer.

  • max_distance (int or float) – The maximum cost that a path may reach before the operation. stops. This value can be an int or float.


geopyspark.euclidean_distance(geometry, source_crs, zoom, cell_type=<CellType.FLOAT64: 'float64'>)

Calculates the Euclidean distance of a Shapely geometry.

  • geometry (shapely.geometry) – The input geometry to compute the Euclidean distance for.
  • source_crs (str or int) – The CRS of the input geometry.
  • zoom (int) – The zoom level of the output raster.
  • cell_type (str or CellType, optional) – The data type of the cells for the new layer. If not specified, then CellType.FLOAT64 is used.


This function may run very slowly for polygonal inputs if they cover many cells of the output raster.

geopyspark.hillshade(tiled_raster_layer, zfactor_calculator, band=0, azimuth=315.0, altitude=45.0)

Computes Hillshade (shaded relief) from a raster.

The resulting raster will be a shaded relief map (a hill shading) based on the sun altitude, azimuth, and the zfactor. The zfactor is a conversion factor from map units to elevation units.

The hillshade` operation will be carried out in a SQUARE neighborhood with with an extent of 1. The zfactor will be derived from the zfactor_calculator for each Tile in the Layer. The resulting Layer will have a cell_type of INT16 regardless of the input Layer’s cell_type; as well as have a single band, that represents the calculated hillshade.

Returns a raster of ShortConstantNoDataCellType.

For descriptions of parameters, please see Esri Desktop’s description of Hillshade.

  • tiled_raster_layer (TiledRasterLayer) – The base layer that contains the rasters used to compute the hillshade.
  • zfactor_calculator (py4j.JavaObject) – A JavaObject that represents the Scala ZFactorCalculator class. This can be created using either the zfactor_lat_lng_calculator() or the zfactor_calculator() methods.
  • band (int, optional) – The band of the raster to base the hillshade calculation on. Default is 0.
  • azimuth (float, optional) – The azimuth angle of the source of light. Default value is 315.0.
  • altitude (float, optional) – The angle of the altitude of the light above the horizon. Default is 45.0.


class geopyspark.Histogram(scala_histogram)

A wrapper class for a GeoTrellis Histogram.

The underlying histogram is produced from the values within a TiledRasterLayer. These values represented by the histogram can either be Int or Float depending on the data type of the cells in the layer.

Parameters:scala_histogram (py4j.JavaObject) – An instance of the GeoTrellis histogram.

py4j.JavaObject – An instance of the GeoTrellis histogram.


Returns a list of tuples where the key is the bin label value and the value is the label’s respective count.

Returns:[(int, int)] or [(float, int)]

Returns the number of buckets within the histogram.


Returns the cdf of the distribution of the histogram.

Returns:[(float, float)]
classmethod from_dict(value)

Encodes histogram as a dictionary


Returns the total number of times a given item appears in the histogram.

Parameters:item (int or float) – The value whose occurences should be counted.
Returns:The total count of the occurences of item in the histogram.
Return type:int

The largest value of the histogram.

This will return either an int or float depedning on the type of values within the histogram.

Returns:int or float

Determines the mean of the histogram.


Determines the median of the histogram.


Merges this instance of Histogram with another. The resulting Histogram will contain values from both ``Histogram``s

Parameters:other_histogram (Histogram) – The Histogram that should be merged with this instance.

The smallest value of the histogram.

This will return either an int or float depedning on the type of values within the histogram.

Returns:int or float

The largest and smallest values of the histogram.

This will return either an int or float depedning on the type of values within the histogram.

Returns:(int, int) or (float, float)

Determines the mode of the histogram.

This will return either an int or float depedning on the type of values within the histogram.

Returns:int or float

Returns quantile breaks for this Layer.

Parameters:num_breaks (int) – The number of breaks to return.

Encodes histogram as a dictionary


Lists each indiviual value within the histogram.

This will return a list of either ``int``s or ``float``s depedning on the type of values within the histogram.

Returns:[int] or [float]
class geopyspark.RasterLayer(layer_type, srdd)

A wrapper of a RDD that contains GeoTrellis rasters.

Represents a layer that wraps a RDD that contains (K, V). Where K is either ProjectedExtent or TemporalProjectedExtent depending on the layer_type of the RDD, and V being a Tile.

The data held within this layer has not been tiled. Meaning the data has yet to be modified to fit a certain layout. See raster_rdd for more information.

  • layer_type (str or LayerType) – What the layer type of the geotiffs are. This is represented by either constants within LayerType or by a string.
  • srdd (py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject) – The coresponding Scala class. This is what allows RasterLayer to access the various Scala methods.

pyspark.SparkContext – The SparkContext being used this session.


LayerType – What the layer type of the geotiffs are.


py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject – The coresponding Scala class. This is what allows RasterLayer to access the various Scala methods.


Select a subsection of bands from the Tiles within the layer.


There could be potential high performance cost if operations are performed between two sub-bands of a large data set.


Due to the natue of GeoPySpark’s backend, if selecting a band that is out of bounds then the error returned will be a py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError and not a normal Python error.

Parameters:band (int or tuple or list or range) – The band(s) to be selected from the Tiles. Can either be a single int, or a collection of ints.
Returns:RasterLayer with the selected bands.

Persist this RDD with the default storage level (C{MEMORY_ONLY}).


Returns a list of all of the keys in the layer.


This method should only be called on layers with a smaller number of keys, as a large number could cause memory issues.

Returns:[:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.SpatialKey`] or [:ob:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.SpaceTimeKey`]
collect_metadata(layout=LocalLayout(tile_cols=256, tile_rows=256))

Iterate over the RDD records and generates layer metadata desribing the contained rasters.

:param layout (LayoutDefinition or: GlobalLayout or
LocalLayout, optional):
Target raster layout for the tiling operation.
convert_data_type(new_type, no_data_value=None)

Converts the underlying, raster values to a new CellType.

  • new_type (str or CellType) – The data type the cells should be to converted to.
  • no_data_value (int or float, optional) – The value that should be marked as NoData.


  • ValueError – If no_data_value is set and the new_type contains raw values.
  • ValueError – If no_data_value is set and new_type is a boolean.

Returns how many elements are within the wrapped RDD.

Returns:The number of elements in the RDD.
Return type:Int

Filters a SPACETIME layer by keeping only the values whose keys fall within a the given time interval(s).

Parameters:time_intervals ([datetime.datetime]) – A list of the time intervals to query. This list can have one or multiple elements. If just a single element, then only exact matches with that given time will be kept. If there are multiple times given, then they are each paired together so that they form ranges of time. In the case where there are an odd number of elements, then the remaining time will be treated as a single query and not a range.


If nothing intersects the given time_intervals, then the returned RasterLayer will be empty.

classmethod from_numpy_rdd(layer_type, numpy_rdd)

Create a RasterLayer from a numpy RDD.

  • layer_type (str or LayerType) – What the layer type of the geotiffs are. This is represented by either constants within LayerType or by a string.
  • numpy_rdd (pyspark.RDD) – A PySpark RDD that contains tuples of either ProjectedExtents or TemporalProjectedExtents and rasters that are represented by a numpy array.



Returns the number of partitions set for the wrapped RDD.

Returns:The number of partitions.
Return type:Int

Creates a Histogram of integer values. Suitable for classification rasters with limited number values. If only single band is present histogram is returned directly.

Returns:Histogram or [Histogram]

Creates a Histogram for each band in the layer. If only single band is present histogram is returned directly.

Returns:Histogram or [Histogram]

Returns the maximum and minimum values of all of the rasters in the layer.

Returns:(float, float)

Returns the partitioning strategy if the layer has one.

Returns:HashPartitioner or SpatialPartitioner or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy or None

Returns quantile breaks for this Layer.

Parameters:num_breaks (int) – The number of breaks to return.

Returns quantile breaks for this Layer. This version uses the FastMapHistogram, which counts exact integer values. If your layer has too many values, this can cause memory errors.

Parameters:num_breaks (int) – The number of breaks to return.

Returns a bool that is True if the layer is empty and False if it is not.

Returns:Are there elements within the layer
Return type:bool

Maps over the cells of each Tile within the layer with a given function.


This operation first needs to deserialize the wrapped RDD into Python and then serialize the RDD back into a TiledRasterRDD once the mapping is done. Thus, it is advised to chain together operations to reduce performance cost.

Parameters:func (cells, nd => cells) – A function that takes two arguements: cells and nd. Where cells is the numpy array and nd is the no_data_value of the Tile. It returns cells which are the new cells values of the Tile represented as a numpy array.

Maps over each Tile within the layer with a given function.


This operation first needs to deserialize the wrapped RDD into Python and then serialize the RDD back into a RasterRDD once the mapping is done. Thus, it is advised to chain together operations to reduce performance cost.

Parameters:func (Tile => Tile) – A function that takes a Tile and returns a Tile.

Merges the Tile of each K together to produce a single Tile.

This method will reduce each value by its key within the layer to produce a single (K, V) for every K. In order to achieve this, each Tile that shares a K is merged together to form a single Tile. This is done by replacing one Tile’s cells with another’s. Not all cells, if any, may be replaced, however. The following steps are taken to determine if a cell’s value should be replaced:

  1. If the cell contains a NoData value, then it will be replaced.
  2. If no NoData value is set, then a cell with a value of 0 will be replaced.
  3. If neither of the above are true, then the cell retain its value.
  • num_partitions (int, optional) – The number of partitions that the resulting layer should be partitioned with. If None, then the num_partitions will the number of partitions the layer curretly has.
  • partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy, optional) –

    Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

    If None, then the output layer will be the same Partitioner and number of partitions as the source layer.

    If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

    If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.




Repartitions the layer using the given partitioning strategy.

Parameters:partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy, optional) –

Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

If None, then the output layer will be the same as the source layer.

If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.

persist(storageLevel=StorageLevel(False, True, False, False, 1))

Set this RDD’s storage level to persist its values across operations after the first time it is computed. This can only be used to assign a new storage level if the RDD does not have a storage level set yet. If no storage level is specified defaults to (C{MEMORY_ONLY}).

reclassify(value_map, data_type, classification_strategy=<ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'>, replace_nodata_with=None, fallback_value=None, strict=False)

Changes the cell values of a raster based on how the data is broken up in the given value_map.

  • value_map (dict) – A dict whose keys represent values where a break should occur and its values are the new value the cells within the break should become.
  • data_type (type) – The type of the values within the rasters. Can either be int or float.
  • classification_strategy (str or ClassificationStrategy, optional) – How the cells should be classified along the breaks. If unspecified, then ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO will be used.
  • replace_nodata_with (int or float, optional) –

    When remapping values, NoData values must be treated separately. If NoData values are intended to be replaced during the reclassify, this variable should be set to the intended value. If unspecified, NoData values will be preserved.


    Specifying replace_nodata_with will change the value of given cells, but the NoData value of the layer will remain unchanged.

  • fallback_value (int or float, optional) – Represents the value that should be used when a cell’s value does not fall within the classification_strategy. Default is to use the layer’s NoData value.
  • strict (bool, optional) – Determines whether or not an error should be thrown if a cell’s value does not fall within the classification_strategy. Default is, False.



Repartitions the layer to have a different number of partitions.

Parameters:num_partitions (int, optional) – Desired number of partitions. Default is, None .If None, then the exisiting number of partitions will be used.
reproject(target_crs, resample_method=<ResampleMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: 'NearestNeighbor'>)

Reproject rasters to target_crs. The reproject does not sample past tile boundary.

  • target_crs (str or int) – Target CRS of reprojection. Either EPSG code, well-known name, or a PROJ.4 string.
  • resample_method (str or ResampleMethod, optional) – The resample method to use for the reprojection. If none is specified, then ResampleMethods.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR is used.


tile_to_layout(layout=LocalLayout(tile_cols=256, tile_rows=256), target_crs=None, resample_method=<ResampleMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: 'NearestNeighbor'>, partition_strategy=None)

Cut tiles to layout and merge overlapping tiles. This will produce unique keys.

  • layout (Metadata or TiledRasterLayer or LayoutDefinition or GlobalLayout or LocalLayout) – Target raster layout for the tiling operation.
  • target_crs (str or int, optional) – Target CRS of reprojection. Either EPSG code, well-known name, or a PROJ.4 string. If None, no reproject will be perfomed.
  • resample_method (str or ResampleMethod, optional) – The cell resample method to used during the tiling operation. Default is``ResampleMethods.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR``.
  • partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy, optional) –

    Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

    If None, then the output layer will be the same Partitioner and number of partitions as the source layer.

    If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

    If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.



to_geotiff_rdd(storage_method=<StorageMethod.STRIPED: 'Striped'>, rows_per_strip=None, tile_dimensions=(256, 256), compression=<Compression.NO_COMPRESSION: 'NoCompression'>, color_space=<ColorSpace.BLACK_IS_ZERO: 1>, color_map=None, head_tags=None, band_tags=None)

Converts the rasters within this layer to GeoTiffs which are then converted to bytes. This is returned as a RDD[(K, bytes)]. Where K is either ProjectedExtent or TemporalProjectedExtent.

  • storage_method (str or StorageMethod, optional) – How the segments within the GeoTiffs should be arranged. Default is StorageMethod.STRIPED.
  • rows_per_strip (int, optional) – How many rows should be in each strip segment of the GeoTiffs if storage_method is StorageMethod.STRIPED. If None, then the strip size will default to a value that is 8K or less.
  • tile_dimensions ((int, int), optional) – The length and width for each tile segment of the GeoTiff if storage_method is StorageMethod.TILED. If None then the default size is (256, 256).
  • compression (str or Compression, optional) – How the data should be compressed. Defaults to Compression.NO_COMPRESSION.
  • color_space (str or ColorSpace, optional) – How the colors should be organized in the GeoTiffs. Defaults to ColorSpace.BLACK_IS_ZERO.
  • color_map (ColorMap, optional) – A ColorMap instance used to color the GeoTiffs to a different gradient.
  • head_tags (dict, optional) – A dict where each key and value is a str.
  • band_tags (list, optional) – A list of dicts where each key and value is a str.
  • Note – For more information on the contents of the tags, see

RDD[(K, bytes)]


Converts a RasterLayer to a numpy RDD.


Depending on the size of the data stored within the RDD, this can be an exspensive operation and should be used with caution.


Converts the rasters within this layer to PNGs which are then converted to bytes. This is returned as a RDD[(K, bytes)].

Parameters:color_map (ColorMap) – A ColorMap instance used to color the PNGs.
Returns:RDD[(K, bytes)]

Converts a RasterLayer with a layout_type of LayoutType.SPACETIME to a RasterLayer with a layout_type of LayoutType.SPATIAL.

Parameters:target_time (datetime.datetime, optional) – The instance of interest. If set, the resulting RasterLayer will only contain keys that contained the given instance. If None, then all values within the layer will be kept.
Raises:ValueError – If the layer already has a layout_type of LayoutType.SPATIAL.

Mark the RDD as non-persistent, and remove all blocks for it from memory and disk.


Changes the NoData value of the layer with the new given value.

It is possible to specify a NoData value for layers with raw values. The resulting layer will be of the same CellType but with a user defined NoData value. For example, if a layer has a CellType of float32raw and a no_data_value of -10 is given, then the produced layer will have a CellType of float32ud-10.0.

If the target layer has a bool CellType, then the no_data_value will be ignored and the result layer will be the same as the origin. In order to assign a NoData value to a bool layer, the convert_data_type() method must be used.

Parameters:no_data_value (int or float) – The new NoData value of the layer.

Returns the list of RDD-containing objects wrapped by this object. The default implementation assumes that subclass contains a single RDD container, srdd, which implements the persist() and unpersist() methods.

class geopyspark.TiledRasterLayer(layer_type, srdd)

Wraps a RDD of tiled, GeoTrellis rasters.

Represents a RDD that contains (K, V). Where K is either SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey depending on the layer_type of the RDD, and V being a Tile.

The data held within the layer is tiled. This means that the rasters have been modified to fit a larger layout. For more information, see tiled-raster-rdd.

  • layer_type (str or LayerType) – What the layer type of the geotiffs are. This is represented by either constants within LayerType or by a string.
  • srdd (py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject) – The coresponding Scala class. This is what allows TiledRasterLayer to access the various Scala methods.

pyspark.SparkContext – The SparkContext being used this session.


LayerType – What the layer type of the geotiffs are.


py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject – The coresponding Scala class. This is what allows RasterLayer to access the various Scala methods.


bool – Whether the data within the TiledRasterLayer is floating point or not.


Metadata – The layer metadata associated with this layer.


int – The zoom level of the layer. Can be None.


Computes an aggregate summary for each cell of all of the values for each key.

The operation given is a local map algebra function that will be applied to all values that share the same key. If there are multiple copies of the same key in the layer, then this method will reduce all instances of the (K, Tile) pairs into a single element. This resulting (K, Tile)’s Tile will contain the aggregate summaries of each cell of the reduced Tiles that had the same K.


Not all Operations are supported. Only SUM, MIN, MAX, MEAN, VARIANCE, AND STANDARD_DEVIATION can be used.


If calculating VARIANCE or STANDARD_DEVIATION, then any K that is a single copy will have a resulting Tile that is filled with NoData values. This is because the variance of a single element is undefined.

Parameters:operation (str or Operation) – The aggregate operation to be performed.

Select a subsection of bands from the Tiles within the layer.


There could be potential high performance cost if operations are performed between two sub-bands of a large data set.


Due to the natue of GeoPySpark’s backend, if selecting a band that is out of bounds then the error returned will be a py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError and not a normal Python error.

Parameters:band (int or tuple or list or range) – The band(s) to be selected from the Tiles. Can either be a single int, or a collection of ints.
Returns:TiledRasterLayer with the selected bands.

Persist this RDD with the default storage level (C{MEMORY_ONLY}).


Returns a list of all of the keys in the layer.


This method should only be called on layers with a smaller number of keys, as a large number could cause memory issues.

Returns:[:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.ProjectedExtent`] or [:class:`~geopyspark.geotrellis.TemporalProjectedExtent`]
convert_data_type(new_type, no_data_value=None)

Converts the underlying, raster values to a new CellType.

  • new_type (str or CellType) – The data type the cells should be to converted to.
  • no_data_value (int or float, optional) – The value that should be marked as NoData.


  • ValueError – If no_data_value is set and the new_type contains raw values.
  • ValueError – If no_data_value is set and new_type is a boolean.

Returns how many elements are within the wrapped RDD.

Returns:The number of elements in the RDD.
Return type:Int

Filters a SPACETIME layer by keeping only the values whose keys fall within a the given time interval(s).

Parameters:time_intervals ([datetime.datetime]) – A list of the time intervals to query. This list can have one or multiple elements. If just a single element, then only exact matches with that given time will be kept. If there are multiple times given, then they are each paired together so that they form ranges of time. In the case where there are an odd number of elements, then the remaining time will be treated as a single query and not a range.


If nothing intersects the given time_intervals, then the returned TiledRasterLayer will be empty.

focal(operation, neighborhood=None, param_1=None, param_2=None, param_3=None, partition_strategy=None)

Performs the given focal operation on the layers contained in the Layer.

  • operation (str or Operation) – The focal operation to be performed.
  • neighborhood (str or Neighborhood, optional) – The type of neighborhood to use in the focal operation. This can be represented by either an instance of Neighborhood, or by a constant.
  • param_1 (int or float, optional) – The first argument of neighborhood.
  • param_2 (int or float, optional) – The second argument of the neighborhood.
  • param_3 (int or float, optional) – The third argument of the neighborhood.
  • partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy, optional) –

    Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

    If None, then the output layer will be the same Partitioner and number of partitions as the source layer.

    If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

    If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.


param only need to be set if neighborhood is not an instance of Neighborhood or if neighborhood is None.

Any param that is not set will default to 0.0.

If neighborhood is None then operation must be Operation.ASPECT.



  • ValueError – If operation is not a known operation.
  • ValueError – If neighborhood is not a known neighborhood.
  • ValueError – If neighborhood was not set, and operation is not Operation.ASPECT.
classmethod from_numpy_rdd(layer_type, numpy_rdd, metadata, zoom_level=None)

Create a TiledRasterLayer from a numpy RDD.

  • layer_type (str or LayerType) – What the layer type of the geotiffs are. This is represented by either constants within LayerType or by a string.
  • numpy_rdd (pyspark.RDD) – A PySpark RDD that contains tuples of either SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey and rasters that are represented by a numpy array.
  • metadata (Metadata) – The Metadata of the TiledRasterLayer instance.
  • zoom_level (int, optional) – The zoom_level the resulting TiledRasterLayer should have. If None, then the returned layer’s zoom_level will be None.



Returns the number of partitions set for the wrapped RDD.

Returns:The number of partitions.
Return type:Int

Creates a Histogram of integer values. Suitable for classification rasters with limited number values. If only single band is present histogram is returned directly.

Returns:Histogram or [Histogram]

Creates a Histogram for each band in the layer. If only single band is present histogram is returned directly.

Returns:Histogram or [Histogram]

Returns the maximum and minimum values of all of the rasters in the layer.

Returns:(float, float)

Returns the partitioning strategy if the layer has one.

Returns:HashPartitioner or SpatialPartitioner or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy or None
get_point_values(points, resample_method=None)

Returns the values of the layer at given points.


Only points that are contained within a layer will be sampled. This means that if a point lies on the southern or eastern boundary of a cell, it will not be sampled.

  • or {k (points([shapely.geometry.Point]) – shapely.geometry.Point}): Either a list of, or a dictionary whose values are shapely.geometry.Points. If a dictionary, then the type of its keys does not matter. These points must be in the same projection as the tiles within the layer.
  • resample_method (str or ResampleMethod, optional) –

    The resampling method to use before obtaining the point values. If not specified, then None is used.


    Not all ResampleMethods can be used to resample point values. ResampleMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, ResampleMethod.BILINEAR`, ResampleMethod.CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, and ResampleMethod.CUBIC_SPLINE are the only ones that can be used.


The return type will vary depending on the type of points and the layer_type of the sampled layer.

If points is a list and the layer_type is SPATIAL:

[(shapely.geometry.Point, [float])]

If points is a list and the layer_type is SPACETIME:

[(shapely.geometry.Point, [(datetime.datetime, [float])])]

If points is a dict and the layer_type is SPATIAL:

{k: (shapely.geometry.Point, [float])}

If points is a dict and the layer_type is SPACETIME:

{k: (shapely.geometry.Point, [(datetime.datetime, [float])])}

The shapely.geometry.Point in all of these returns is the original sampled point given. The [float] are the sampled values, one for each band. If the layer_type was SPACETIME, then the timestamp will also be included in the results represented by a datetime.datetime instance. These times and their associated values will be given as a list of tuples for each point.


The sampled values will always be returned as floats. Regardless of the cellType of the layer.

If points was given as a dict then the keys of that dictionary will be the keys in the returned dict.


Returns quantile breaks for this Layer.

Parameters:num_breaks (int) – The number of breaks to return.

Returns quantile breaks for this Layer. This version uses the FastMapHistogram, which counts exact integer values. If your layer has too many values, this can cause memory errors.

Parameters:num_breaks (int) – The number of breaks to return.

Returns a bool that is True if the layer is empty and False if it is not.

Returns:Are there elements within the layer
Return type:bool

Determines the maximum value for each cell of each Tile in the layer.

This method takes a max_constant that is compared to each cell in the layer. If max_constant is larger, then the resulting cell value will be that value. Otherwise, that cell will retain its original value.


NoData values are handled such that taking the max between a normal value and NoData value will always result in NoData.

Parameters:value (int or float or TiledRasterLayer) – The constant value that will be compared to each cell. If this is a TiledRasterLayer, then Tiles who share a key will have each of their cell values compared.
lookup(col, row)

Return the value(s) in the image of a particular SpatialKey (given by col and row).

  • col (int) – The SpatialKey column.
  • row (int) – The SpatialKey row.


  • ValueError – If using lookup on a non LayerType.SPATIAL TiledRasterLayer.
  • IndexError – If col and row are not within the TiledRasterLayer’s bounds.

Maps over the cells of each Tile within the layer with a given function.


This operation first needs to deserialize the wrapped RDD into Python and then serialize the RDD back into a TiledRasterRDD once the mapping is done. Thus, it is advised to chain together operations to reduce performance cost.

Parameters:func (cells, nd => cells) – A function that takes two arguements: cells and nd. Where cells is the numpy array and nd is the no_data_value of the tile. It returns cells which are the new cells values of the tile represented as a numpy array.

Maps over each Tile within the layer with a given function.


This operation first needs to deserialize the wrapped RDD into Python and then serialize the RDD back into a TiledRasterRDD once the mapping is done. Thus, it is advised to chain together operations to reduce performance cost.

Parameters:func (Tile => Tile) – A function that takes a Tile and returns a Tile.
mask(geometries, partition_strategy=None, options=RasterizerOptions(includePartial=True, sampleType='PixelIsPoint'))

Masks the TiledRasterLayer so that only values that intersect the geometries will be available.

  • geometries (shapely.geometry or [shapely.geometry] or pyspark.RDD[shapely.geometry]) –

    Either a single, list, or Python RDD of shapely geometry/ies to mask the layer.


    All geometries must be in the same CRS as the TileLayer.

  • partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy, optional) –

    Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

    If None, then the output layer will be the same as the source layer.

    If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

    If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.


    This parameter will only be used if geometries is a pyspark.RDD.

  • options (RasterizerOptions, optional) –

    During the mask operation, rasterization occurs. These options will change the pixel rasterization behavior. Default behavior is to include partial pixel intersection and to treat pixels as points.


    This parameter will only be used if geometries is a pyspark.RDD.




Merges the Tile of each K together to produce a single Tile.

This method will reduce each value by its key within the layer to produce a single (K, V) for every K. In order to achieve this, each Tile that shares a K is merged together to form a single Tile. This is done by replacing one Tile’s cells with another’s. Not all cells, if any, may be replaced, however. The following steps are taken to determine if a cell’s value should be replaced:

  1. If the cell contains a NoData value, then it will be replaced.
  2. If no NoData value is set, then a cell with a value of 0 will be replaced.
  3. If neither of the above are true, then the cell retain its value.
  • num_partitions (int, optional) – The number of partitions that the resulting layer should be partitioned with. If None, then the num_partitions will the number of partitions the layer curretly has.
  • partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy, optional) –

    Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

    If None, then the output layer will be the same Partitioner and number of partitions as the source layer.

    If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

    If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.



normalize(new_min, new_max, old_min=None, old_max=None)

Finds the min value that is contained within the given geometry.


If old_max - old_min <= 0 or new_max - new_min <= 0, then the normalization will fail.

  • old_min (int or float, optional) – Old minimum. If not given, then the minimum value of this layer will be used.
  • old_max (int or float, optional) – Old maximum. If not given, then the minimum value of this layer will be used.
  • new_min (int or float) – New minimum to normalize to.
  • new_max (int or float) – New maximum to normalize to.



Repartitions the layer using the given partitioning strategy.

Parameters:partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy, optional) –

Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

If None, then the output layer will be the same as the source layer.

If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.

persist(storageLevel=StorageLevel(False, True, False, False, 1))

Set this RDD’s storage level to persist its values across operations after the first time it is computed. This can only be used to assign a new storage level if the RDD does not have a storage level set yet. If no storage level is specified defaults to (C{MEMORY_ONLY}).

polygonal_max(geometry, data_type)

Finds the max value for each band that is contained within the given geometry.

  • geometry (shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon or bytes) – A Shapely Polygon or MultiPolygon that represents the area where the summary should be computed; or a WKB representation of the geometry.
  • data_type (type) – The type of the values within the rasters. Can either be int or float.

[int] or [float] depending on data_type.


TypeError – If data_type is not an int or float.


Finds the mean of all of the values for each band that are contained within the given geometry.

Parameters:geometry (shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon or bytes) – A Shapely Polygon or MultiPolygon that represents the area where the summary should be computed; or a WKB representation of the geometry.
polygonal_min(geometry, data_type)

Finds the min value for each band that is contained within the given geometry.

  • geometry (shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon or bytes) – A Shapely Polygon or MultiPolygon that represents the area where the summary should be computed; or a WKB representation of the geometry.
  • data_type (type) – The type of the values within the rasters. Can either be int or float.

[int] or [float] depending on data_type.


TypeError – If data_type is not an int or float.

polygonal_sum(geometry, data_type)

Finds the sum of all of the values in each band that are contained within the given geometry.

  • geometry (shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon or bytes) – A Shapely Polygon or MultiPolygon that represents the area where the summary should be computed; or a WKB representation of the geometry.
  • data_type (type) – The type of the values within the rasters. Can either be int or float.

[int] or [float] depending on data_type.


TypeError – If data_type is not an int or float.

pyramid(resample_method=<ResampleMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: 'NearestNeighbor'>, partition_strategy=None)

Creates a layer Pyramid where the resolution is halved per level.

  • resample_method (str or ResampleMethod, optional) – The resample method to use when building the pyramid. Default is ResampleMethods.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR.
  • partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy, optional) –

    Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

    If None, then the output layer will be the same Partitioner and number of partitions as the source layer.

    If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

    If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.




ValueError – If this layer layout is not of GlobalLayout type.

reclassify(value_map, data_type, classification_strategy=<ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'>, replace_nodata_with=None, fallback_value=None, strict=False)

Changes the cell values of a raster based on how the data is broken up in the given value_map.

  • value_map (dict) – A dict whose keys represent values where a break should occur and its values are the new value the cells within the break should become.
  • data_type (type) – The type of the values within the rasters. Can either be int or float.
  • classification_strategy (str or ClassificationStrategy, optional) – How the cells should be classified along the breaks. If unspecified, then ClassificationStrategy.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO will be used.
  • replace_nodata_with (int or float, optional) –

    When remapping values, NoData values must be treated separately. If NoData values are intended to be replaced during the reclassify, this variable should be set to the intended value. If unspecified, NoData values will be preserved.


    Specifying replace_nodata_with will change the value of given cells, but the NoData value of the layer will remain unchanged.

  • fallback_value (int or float, optional) – Represents the value that should be used when a cell’s value does not fall within the classification_strategy. Default is to use the layer’s NoData value.
  • strict (bool, optional) – Determines whether or not an error should be thrown if a cell’s value does not fall within the classification_strategy. Default is, False.



Repartitions the layer to have a different number of partitions.

Parameters:num_partitions (int, optional) – Desired number of partitions. Default is, None .If None, then the exisiting number of partitions will be used.
reproject(target_crs, resample_method=<ResampleMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: 'NearestNeighbor'>)

Reproject rasters to target_crs. The reproject does not sample past tile boundary.

  • target_crs (str or int) – Target CRS of reprojection. Either EPSG code, well-known name, or a PROJ.4 string.
  • resample_method (str or ResampleMethod, optional) – The resample method to use for the reprojection. If none is specified, then ResampleMethods.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR is used.


save_stitched(path, crop_bounds=None, crop_dimensions=None)

Stitch all of the rasters within the Layer into one raster and then saves it to a given path.

  • path (str) – The path of the geotiff to save. The path must be on the local file system.
  • crop_bounds (Extent, optional) – The sub Extent with which to crop the raster before saving. If None, then the whole raster will be saved.
  • crop_dimensions (tuple(int) or list(int), optional) – cols and rows of the image to save represented as either a tuple or list. If None then all cols and rows of the raster will be save.


This can only be used on LayerType.SPATIAL TiledRasterLayers.


If crop_dimensions is set then crop_bounds must also be set.


Performs the Slope, focal operation on the first band of each Tile in the Layer.

The Slope operation will be carried out in a SQUARE neighborhood with with an extent of 1. A zfactor will be derived from the zfactor_calculator for each Tile in the Layer. The resulting Layer will have a cell_type of FLOAT64 regardless of the input Layer’s cell_type; as well as have a single band, that represents the calculated slope.

Parameters:zfactor_calculator (py4j.JavaObject) – A JavaObject that represents the Scala ZFactorCalculator class. This can be created using either the zfactor_lat_lng_calculator() or the zfactor_calculator() methods.
star_series(geometries, fn)

Stitch all of the rasters within the Layer into one raster.


This can only be used on LayerType.SPATIAL TiledRasterLayers.

tile_to_layout(layout, target_crs=None, resample_method=<ResampleMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: 'NearestNeighbor'>, partition_strategy=None)

Cut tiles to a given layout and merge overlapping tiles. This will produce unique keys.

  • layout (LayoutDefinition or Metadata or TiledRasterLayer or GlobalLayout or LocalLayout) – Target raster layout for the tiling operation.
  • target_crs (str or int, optional) – Target CRS of reprojection. Either EPSG code, well-known name, or a PROJ.4 string. If None, no reproject will be perfomed.
  • resample_method (str or ResampleMethod, optional) – The resample method to use for the reprojection. If none is specified, then ResampleMethods.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR is used.
  • partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy, optional) –

    Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

    If None, then the output layer will be the same Partitioner and number of partitions as the source layer.

    If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

    If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.



to_geotiff_rdd(storage_method=<StorageMethod.STRIPED: 'Striped'>, rows_per_strip=None, tile_dimensions=(256, 256), compression=<Compression.NO_COMPRESSION: 'NoCompression'>, color_space=<ColorSpace.BLACK_IS_ZERO: 1>, color_map=None, head_tags=None, band_tags=None)

Converts the rasters within this layer to GeoTiffs which are then converted to bytes. This is returned as a RDD[(K, bytes)]. Where K is either SpatialKey or SpaceTimeKey.

  • storage_method (str or StorageMethod, optional) – How the segments within the GeoTiffs should be arranged. Default is StorageMethod.STRIPED.
  • rows_per_strip (int, optional) – How many rows should be in each strip segment of the GeoTiffs if storage_method is StorageMethod.STRIPED. If None, then the strip size will default to a value that is 8K or less.
  • tile_dimensions ((int, int), optional) – The length and width for each tile segment of the GeoTiff if storage_method is StorageMethod.TILED. If None then the default size is (256, 256).
  • compression (str or Compression, optional) – How the data should be compressed. Defaults to Compression.NO_COMPRESSION.
  • color_space (str or ColorSpace, optional) – How the colors should be organized in the GeoTiffs. Defaults to ColorSpace.BLACK_IS_ZERO.
  • color_map (ColorMap, optional) – A ColorMap instance used to color the GeoTiffs to a different gradient.
  • head_tags (dict, optional) – A dict where each key and value is a str.
  • band_tags (list, optional) – A list of dicts where each key and value is a str.
  • Note – For more information on the contents of the tags, see

RDD[(K, bytes)]


Converts a TiledRasterLayer to a numpy RDD.


Depending on the size of the data stored within the RDD, this can be an exspensive operation and should be used with caution.


Converts the rasters within this layer to PNGs which are then converted to bytes. This is returned as a RDD[(K, bytes)].

Parameters:color_map (ColorMap) – A ColorMap instance used to color the PNGs.
Returns:RDD[(K, bytes)]

Converts a TiledRasterLayer with a layout_type of LayoutType.SPACETIME to a TiledRasterLayer with a layout_type of LayoutType.SPATIAL.

Parameters:target_time (datetime.datetime, optional) – The instance of interest. If set, the resulting TiledRasterLayer will only contain keys that contained the given instance. If None, then all values within the layer will be kept.
Raises:ValueError – If the layer already has a layout_type of LayoutType.SPATIAL.

Generates a Tobler walking speed layer from an elevation layer.


This method has a known issue where the Tobler calculation is direction agnostic. Thus, all slopes are assumed to be uphill. This can result it incorrect results. A fix is currently being worked on.


Mark the RDD as non-persistent, and remove all blocks for it from memory and disk.


Changes the NoData value of the layer with the new given value.

It is possible to specify a NoData value for layers with raw values. The resulting layer will be of the same CellType but with a user defined NoData value. For example, if a layer has a CellType of float32raw and a no_data_value of -10 is given, then the produced layer will have a CellType of float32ud-10.0.

If the target layer has a bool CellType, then the no_data_value will be ignored and the result layer will be the same as the origin. In order to assign a NoData value to a bool layer, the convert_data_type() method must be used.

Parameters:no_data_value (int or float) – The new NoData value of the layer.

Returns the list of RDD-containing objects wrapped by this object. The default implementation assumes that subclass contains a single RDD container, srdd, which implements the persist() and unpersist() methods.

class geopyspark.Pyramid(levels)

Contains a list of TiledRasterLayers that make up a tile pyramid. Each layer represents a level within the pyramid. This class is used when creating a tile server.

Map algebra can performed on instances of this class.

Parameters:levels (list or dict) – A list of TiledRasterLayers or a dict of TiledRasterLayers where the value is the layer itself and the key is its given zoom level.

pyspark.SparkContext – The SparkContext being used this session.

layer_type (class

~geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.LayerType): What the layer type of the geotiffs are.


dict – A dict of TiledRasterLayers where the value is the layer itself and the key is its given zoom level.


int – The highest zoom level of the pyramid.


bool – Signals whether or not the internal RDDs are cached. Default is False.


Histogram – The Histogram that represents the layer with the max zoomw. Will not be calculated unless the get_histogram() method is used. Otherwise, its value is None.

Raises:TypeError – If levels is neither a list or dict.

Persist this RDD with the default storage level (C{MEMORY_ONLY}).


Returns how many elements are within the wrapped RDD.

Returns:The number of elements in the RDD.
Return type:Int

Returns the number of partitions set for the wrapped RDD.

Returns:The number of partitions.
Return type:Int

Calculates the Histogram for the layer with the max zoom.


Returns the partitioning strategy if the layer has one.

Returns:HashPartitioner or SpatialPartitioner or SpaceTimePartitionStrategy or None

Returns a bool that is True if the layer is empty and False if it is not.

Returns:Are there elements within the layer
Return type:bool
persist(storageLevel=StorageLevel(False, True, False, False, 1))

Set this RDD’s storage level to persist its values across operations after the first time it is computed. This can only be used to assign a new storage level if the RDD does not have a storage level set yet. If no storage level is specified defaults to (C{MEMORY_ONLY}).


Mark the RDD as non-persistent, and remove all blocks for it from memory and disk.


Returns a list of the wrapped, Scala RDDs within each layer of the pyramid.

class geopyspark.Square(extent)
class geopyspark.Circle(radius)

A circle neighborhood.

Parameters:radius (int or float) – The radius of the circle that determines which cells fall within the bounding box.

int or float – The radius of the circle that determines which cells fall within the bounding box.


float – Same as radius.


float – Unused param for Circle. Is 0.0.


float – Unused param for Circle. Is 0.0.


str – The name of the neighborhood which is, “circle”.


Cells that lie exactly on the radius of the circle are apart of the neighborhood.

class geopyspark.Wedge(radius, start_angle, end_angle)

A wedge neighborhood.

  • radius (int or float) – The radius of the wedge.
  • start_angle (int or float) – The starting angle of the wedge in degrees.
  • end_angle (int or float) – The ending angle of the wedge in degrees.

int or float – The radius of the wedge.


int or float – The starting angle of the wedge in degrees.


int or float – The ending angle of the wedge in degrees.


float – Same as radius.


float – Same as start_angle.


float – Same as end_angle.


str – The name of the neighborhood which is, “wedge”.

class geopyspark.Nesw(extent)

A neighborhood that includes a column and row intersection for the focus.

Parameters:extent (int or float) – The extent of this neighborhood. This represents the how many cells past the focus the bounding box goes.

int or float – The extent of this neighborhood. This represents the how many cells past the focus the bounding box goes.


float – Same as extent.


float – Unused param for Nesw. Is 0.0.


float – Unused param for Nesw. Is 0.0.


str – The name of the neighborhood which is, “nesw”.

class geopyspark.Annulus(inner_radius, outer_radius)

An Annulus neighborhood.

  • inner_radius (int or float) – The radius of the inner circle.
  • outer_radius (int or float) – The radius of the outer circle.

int or float – The radius of the inner circle.


int or float – The radius of the outer circle.


float – Same as inner_radius.


float – Same as outer_radius.


float – Unused param for Annulus. Is 0.0.


str – The name of the neighborhood which is, “annulus”.

geopyspark.rasterize(geoms, crs, zoom, fill_value, cell_type=<CellType.FLOAT64: 'float64'>, options=None, partition_strategy=None)

Rasterizes a Shapely geometries.

  • geoms ([shapely.geometry] or (shapely.geometry) or pyspark.RDD[shapely.geometry]) – Either a list, tuple, or a Python RDD of shapely geometries to rasterize.
  • crs (str or int) – The CRS of the input geometry.
  • zoom (int) – The zoom level of the output raster.
  • fill_value (int or float) – Value to burn into pixels intersectiong geometry
  • cell_type (str or CellType) – Which data type the cells should be when created. Defaults to CellType.FLOAT64.
  • options (RasterizerOptions, optional) – Pixel intersection options.
  • partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy, optional) –

    Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

    If None, then the output layer will have the default Partitioner and a number of paritions that was determined by the method.

    If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

    If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.



geopyspark.rasterize_features(features, crs, zoom, cell_type=<CellType.FLOAT64: 'float64'>, options=None, zindex_cell_type=<CellType.INT8: 'int8'>, partition_strategy=None)

Rasterizes a collection of Features.

  • features (pyspark.RDD[Feature]) –

    A Python RDD that contains Features.


    The properties of each Feature must be an instance of CellValue.

  • crs (str or int) – The CRS of the input geometry.
  • zoom (int) –

    The zoom level of the output raster.


    Not all rasterized Features may be present in the resulting layer if the zoom is not high enough.

  • cell_type (str or CellType) – Which data type the cells should be when created. Defaults to CellType.FLOAT64.
  • options (RasterizerOptions, optional) – Pixel intersection options.
  • zindex_cell_type (str or CellType) – Which data type the Z-Index cells are. Defaults to CellType.INT8.
  • partition_strategy (HashPartitionStrategy or SpatialPartitioinStrategy, optional) –

    Sets the Partitioner for the resulting layer and how many partitions it has. Default is, None.

    If None, then the output layer will have the default Partitioner and a number of paritions that was determined by the method.

    If partition_strategy is set but has no num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner specified in the strategy with the with same number of partitions the source layer had.

    If partition_strategy is set and has a num_partitions, then the resulting layer will have the Partioner and number of partitions specified in the strategy.



class geopyspark.TileRender(render_function)

A Python implementation of the Scala geopyspark.geotrellis.tms.TileRender interface. Permits a callback from Scala to Python to allow for custom rendering functions.

Parameters:render_function (Tile => PIL.Image.Image) – A function to convert geopyspark.geotrellis.Tile to a PIL Image.

Tile => PIL.Image.Image – A function to convert geopyspark.geotrellis.Tile to a PIL Image.

class Java
implements = ['geopyspark.geotrellis.tms.TileRender']

A function to convert an array to an image.

Parameters:scala_array – A linear array of bytes representing the protobuf-encoded contents of a tile
Returns:bytes representing an image
class geopyspark.TMS(server)

Provides a TMS server for raster data.

In order to display raster data on a variety of different map interfaces (e.g., leaflet maps,, GeoNotebook, and others), we provide the TMS class.

Parameters:server (JavaObject) – The Java TMSServer instance

pyspark.SparkContext – The SparkContext being used this session.


JavaObject – The Java TMSServer instance


str – The IP address of the host, if bound, else None


int – The port number of the TMS server, if bound, else None


string – The URI pattern for the current TMS service, with {z}, {x}, {y} tokens. Can be copied directly to services such as

bind(host=None, requested_port=None)

Starts up a TMS server.

  • host (str, optional) – The target host. Typically “localhost”, “”, or “”. The latter will make the TMS service accessible from the world. If omitted, defaults to localhost.
  • requested_port (optional, int) – A port number to bind the service to. If omitted, use a random available port.
classmethod build(source, display, allow_overzooming=True)

Builds a TMS server from one or more layers.

This function takes a SparkContext, a source or list of sources, and a display method and creates a TMS server to display the desired content. The display method is supplied as a ColorMap (only available when there is a single source), or a callable object which takes either a single tile input (when there is a single source) or a list of tiles (for multiple sources) and returns the bytes representing an image file for that tile.

  • source (tuple or orlist or Pyramid) – The tile sources to render. Tuple inputs are (str, str) pairs where the first component is the URI of a catalog and the second is the layer name. A list input may be any combination of tuples and Pyramids.
  • display (ColorMap, callable) – Method for mapping tiles to images. ColorMap may only be applied to single input source. Callable will take a single numpy array for a single source, or a list of numpy arrays for multiple sources. In the case of multiple inputs, resampling may be required if the tile sources have different tile sizes. Returns bytes representing the resulting image.
  • allow_overzooming (bool) – If set, viewing at zoom levels above the highest available zoom level will produce tiles that are resampled from the highest zoom level present in the data set.

Returns the IP string of the server’s host if bound, else None.


Returns the port number for the current TMS server if bound, else None.


Shuts down the TMS service, freeing the assigned port.


Returns the URI for the tiles served by the present server. Contains {z}, {x}, and {y} tokens to be substituted for the desired zoom and x/y tile position.


Unions togther two or more RasterLayers or TiledRasterLayers.

All layers must have the same layer_type. If the layers are TiledRasterLayers, then all of the layers must also have the same TileLayout and CRS.


If the layers to be unioned share one or more keys, then the resulting layer will contain duplicates of that key. One copy for each instance of the key.

Parameters:layers ([RasterLayer] or [TiledRasterLayer] or (RasterLayer) or (TiledRasterLayer)) – A colection of two or more RasterLayers or TiledRasterLayers layers to be unioned together.
Returns:RasterLayer or TiledRasterLayer

Combines the bands of values that share the same key in two or more TiledRasterLayers.

This method will concat the bands of two or more values with the same key. For example, layer a has values that have 2 bands and layer b has values with 1 band. When combine_bands is used on both of these layers, then the resulting layer will have values with 3 bands, 2 from layer a and 1 from layer b.


All layers must have the same layer_type. If the layers are TiledRasterLayers, then all of the layers must also have the same TileLayout and CRS.

Parameters:layers ([RasterLayer] or [TiledRasterLayer] or (RasterLayer) or (TiledRasterLayer)) –

A colection of two or more RasterLayers or TiledRasterLayers. The order of the layers determines the order in which the bands are concatenated. With the bands being ordered based on the position of their respective layer.

For example, the first layer in layers is layer a which contains 2 bands and the second layer is layer b whose values have 1 band. The resulting layer will have values with 3 bands: the first 2 are from layer a and the third from layer b. If the positions of layer a and layer b are reversed, then the resulting values’ first band will be from layer b and the last 2 will be from layer a.

Returns:RasterLayer or TiledRasterLayer
class geopyspark.Feature

Represents a geometry that is derived from an OSM Element with that Element’s associated metadata.

  • geometry (shapely.geometry) – The geometry of the feature that is represented as a shapely.geometry. This geometry is derived from an OSM Element.
  • properties (Properties or CellValue) – The metadata associated with the OSM Element. Can be represented as either an instance of Properties or a CellValue.

shapely.geometry – The geometry of the feature that is represented as a shapely.geometry. This geometry is derived from an OSM Element.


Properties or CellValue – The metadata associated with the OSM Element. Can be represented as either an instance of Properties or a CellValue.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value

Alias for field number 0

index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 1

class geopyspark.Properties

Represents the metadata of an OSM Element.

This object is one of two types that can be used to represent the properties of a Feature.

  • element_id (int) – The id of the OSM Element.
  • user (str) – The display name of the last user who modified/created the OSM Element.
  • uid (int) – The numeric id of the last user who modified the OSM Element.
  • changeset (int) – The OSM changeset number in which the OSM Element was created/modified.
  • version (int) – The edit version of the OSM Element.
  • minor_version (int) – Represents minor changes between versions of an OSM Element.
  • timestamp (datetime.datetime) – The time of the last modification to the OSM Element.
  • visible (bool) – Represents whether or not the OSM Element is deleted or not in the database.
  • tags (dict) – A dict of strs that represents the given features of the OSM Element.

int – The id of the OSM Element.


str – The display name of the last user who modified/created the OSM Element.


int – The numeric id of the last user who modified the OSM Element.


int – The OSM changeset number in which the OSM Element was created/modified.


int – The edit version of the OSM Element.


int – Represents minor changes between versions of an OSM Element.


datetime.datetime – The time of the last modification to the OSM Element.


bool – Represents whether or not the OSM Element is deleted or not in the database.


dict – A dict of strs that represents the given features of the OSM Element.


Alias for field number 3

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value

Alias for field number 0

index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 8


Alias for field number 6


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 7

class geopyspark.CellValue

Represents the value and zindex of a geometry.

This object is one of two types that can be used to represent the properties of a Feature.

  • value (int or float) – The value of all cells that intersects the associated geometry.
  • zindex (int) – The Z-Index of each cell that intersects the associated geometry. Z-Index determines which value a cell should be if multiple geometries intersect it. A high Z-Index will always be in front of a Z-Index of a lower value.

int or float – The value of all cells that intersects the associated geometry.


int – The Z-Index of each cell that intersects the associated geometry. Z-Index determines which value a cell should be if multiple geometries intersect it. A high Z-Index will always be in front of a Z-Index of a lower value.

count(value) → integer -- return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1