

New Features

Rasterizing an RDD[Geometry]

Users can now rasterize an RDD[shapely.geometry] via the rasterize method.

# A Python RDD that contains shapely geomtries
geometry_rdd = ...

gps.rasterize(geoms=geometry_rdd, crs="EPSG:3857", zoom=11, fill_value=1)

ZFactor Calculator

zfactor_lat_lng_caculator and zfactor_caclulator are two new functions that will caculate the the the zfactor for each Tile in a layer during the slope or hillshade operations. This is better than using a single zfactor for all Tiles as Tiles at different lattitdues require different zfactors.

As mentioned above, there are two different forms of the calculator: zfactor_lat_lng_calculator and zfactor_calculator. The former being used for layers that are in the LatLng projection while the latter for layers in all other projections.

# Using the zfactor_lat_lng_calculator

# Create a zfactor_lat_lng_calculator which uses METERS for its calcualtions
calculator = gps.zfactor_lat_lng_calculator(gps.METERS)

# A TiledRasterLayer which contains elevation data
tiled_layer = ...

# Calcualte slope of the layer using the calcualtor

# Using the zfactor_calculator

# We must provide a dict that maps lattitude to zfactor for our
# given projection. Linear interpolation will be used on these
# values to produce the correct zfactor for each Tile in the
# layer.

mapped_factors = {
  0.0: 0.1,
  10.0: 1.5,
  15.0: 2.0,
  20.0, 2.5

# Create a zfactor_calculator using the given mapped factors
calculator = gps.zfactor_calculator(mapped_factors)


With this release of GeoPySpark comes three different parition strategies: HashPartitionStrategy, SpatialPartitionStrategy, and SpaceTimePartitionStrategy. All three of these are used to partition a layer given their specified inputs.


HashPartitionStrategy is a partition strategy that uses Spark’s HashPartitioner to partition a layer. This can be used on either SPATIAL or SPACETIME layers.

# Creates a HashPartitionStrategy with 128 partitions

SpatialPartitionStrategy uses GeoPySpark’s SpatialPartitioner during partitioning of the layer. This strategy will try and partition the Tiles of a layer so that those which are near each other spatially will be in the same partition. This will only work on SPATIAL layers.

# Creates a SpatialPartitionStrategy with 128 partitions

SpaceTimePartitionStrategy uses GeoPySpark’s SpaceTimePartitioner during partitioning of the layer. This strategy will try and partition the Tiles of a layer so that those which are near each other spatially and temporally will be in the same partition. This will only work on SPACETIME layers.

# Creates a SpaceTimePartitionStrategy with 128 partitions
# and temporal resolution of 5 weeks. This means that
# it will try and group the data in units of 5 weeks.
gps.SpaceTimePartitionStrategy(time_unit=gps.WEEKS, num_partitions=128, time_resolution=5)

Other New Features


New Features

Aggregating a Layer By Cell

It is now possible to aggregate the cells of all values that share a key in a layer via the aggregate_by_cell method. This method is useful when you have a layer where you want to reduce all of the values by their key.

# A tiled layer which contains duplicate keys with different values
# that we'd like to reduce so that there is one value per key.
tiled_layer = ...

# This will compute the aggregate SUM of each cell of values that share
# a key within the layer.

# Similar to the above command, only this one is finding the STANDARD_DEVIATION
# for each cell.

Unioning Layers Together

Through the union method, it is now possible to union together an arbitrary number of either RasterLayers or TiledRasterLayers.

# Layers to be unioned together
layers = [raster_layer_1, raster_layer_2, raster_layer_3]

unioned_layers = gps.union(layers)

Getting Point Values From a Layer

By using the get_point_values method, one can retrieve data points that falls on or near a given point.

from shapely.geometry import Point

# The points we'd like to collect data at
p1 = Point(0, 0)
p2 = Point(1, 1)
p3 = Point(10, 10)

# The tiled layer which will be queried
tiled_layer = ...

tiled_layer.get_point_values([p1, p2, p3])

The above code will return a [(Point, [float])] where each point given will be paired with all of the values it covers (one for each band of the Tile).

It is also possible to pass in a dict to get_point_values.

labeled_points = {'p1': p1, 'p2': p2, 'p3': p3}


This will return a {k: (Point, [float])} which is similar to the above code only now the (Point, [float]) is the value of the key that point had in the input dict.

Combining Bands of Multiple Layers

combine_bands will concatenate the bands of values that share a key together to produce a new, single value. This new Tile will contain all of the bands from all of the values that shared a key from the given layers.

This method is most useful when you have multiple layers that contain a single band from a multiband image; and you’d like to combine them together so that all or some of the bands are available from a single layer.

# Three different layers that contain a single band from the
# same scene
band_1_layer = ...
band_2_layer = ...
band_3_layer = ...

# combined_layer will have values that contain three bands: the first
# from band_1_layer, the second from band_2_layer, and the last from
# band_3_layer
combined_layer = gps.combine_bands([band_1_layer, band_2_layer, band_3_layer])


0.2.2 fixes the naming issue brought about in 0.2.1 where the backend jar and the docs had the incorrect version number.


  • Fixed version numbers for docs and jar.


0.2.1 adds two major bug fixes for the catalog.query and geotiff.get functions as well as a few other minor changes/additions.


  • Updated description in


  • Fixed a bug in catalog.query where the query would fail if the geometry used for querying was in a different projection than the source layer.
  • partition_bytes can now be set in the geotiff.get function when reading from S3.
  • Setting max_tile_size and num_partitions in geotiff.get will now work when trying to read geotiffs from S3.


The second release of GeoPySpark has brought about massive changes to the library. Many more features have been added, and some have been taken away. The API has also been overhauld, and code written using the 0.1.0 code will not work with this version.

Because so much has changed over these past few months, only the most major changes will be discussed below.


  • Removed GeoPyContext.
  • Added geopyspark_conf function which is used to create a SparkConf for GeoPySpark.
  • Changed how the environemnt is constructed when using GeoPySpark.


  • A SparkContext instance is no longer needs to be passed in for any class or function.
  • Renamed RasterRDD and TiledRasterRDD to RasterLayer and TiledRasterLayer.
  • Changed how tile_to_layout and reproject work.
  • Broked out rasterize, hillshade, cost_distance, and euclidean_distance into their own, respective modules.
  • Added the Pyramid class to
  • Renamed geotiff_rdd to geotiff.
  • Broke out the options in geotiff.get.
  • Constants are now orginized by enum classes.
  • Avro is no longer used for serialization/deserialization.
  • ProtoBuf is now used for serialization/deserialization.
  • Added the render module.
  • Added the color mdoule.
  • Added the histogram moudle.


  • Updated all of the docstrings to reflect the new changes.
  • All of the documentation has been updated to reflect the new chnagtes.
  • Example jupyter notebooks have been added.


The first release of GeoPySpark! After being in development for the past 6 months, it is now ready for its initial release! Since nothing has been changed or updated per se, we’ll just go over the features that will be present in 0.1.0.


  • Create a RasterRDD from GeoTiffs that are stored locally, on S3, or on HDFS.
  • Serialize Python RDDs to Scala and back.
  • Perform various tiling operations such as tile_to_layout, cut_tiles, and pyramid.
  • Stitch together a TiledRasterRDD to create one Raster.
  • rasterize geometries and turn them into RasterRDD.
  • reclassify values of Rasters in RDDs.
  • Calculate cost_distance on a TiledRasterRDD.
  • Perform local and focal operations on TiledRasterRDD.
  • Read, write, and query GeoTrellis tile layers.
  • Read tiles from a layer.
  • Added PngRDD to make rendering to PNGs more efficient.
  • Added RDDWrapper to provide more functionality to the RDD classes.
  • Polygonal summary methods are now available to TiledRasterRDD.
  • Euclidean distance added to TiledRasterRDD.
  • Neighborhoods submodule added to make focal operations easier.


  • GeoPySpark can now use a script to download the jar. Used when installing GeoPySpark from pip.


  • Added docstrings to all python classes, methods, etc.
  • Core-Concepts, rdd, geopycontext, and catalog.
  • Ingesting and creating a tile server with a greyscale raster dataset.
  • Ingesting and creating a tile server with data from Sentinel.