geopyspark.geotrellis.constants module

Constants that are used by geopyspark.geotrellis classes, methods, and functions.

geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.NO_DATA_INT = -2147483648

The default size of each tile in the resulting layer.

class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.LayerType

The type of the key within the tuple of the wrapped RDD.

SPACETIME = 'spacetime'
SPATIAL = 'spatial'

Indicates that the RDD contains (K, V) pairs, where the K has a spatial and time attribute. Both TemporalProjectedExtent and SpaceTimeKey are examples of this type of K.

class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.IndexingMethod

How the wrapped should be indexed when saved.

HILBERT = 'hilbert'

A key indexing method. Works only for RDDs that contain SpatialKey. This method provides the fastest lookup of all the key indexing method, however, it does not give good locality guarantees. It is recommended then that this method should only be used when locality is not important for your analysis.

ROWMAJOR = 'rowmajor'
ZORDER = 'zorder'

A key indexing method. Works for RDDs that contain both SpatialKey and SpaceTimeKey. Note, indexes are determined by the x, y, and if SPACETIME, the temporal resolutions of a point. This is expressed in bits, and has a max value of 62. Thus if the sum of those resolutions are greater than 62, then the indexing will fail.

class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.ResampleMethod

Resampling Methods.

AVERAGE = 'Average'
BILINEAR = 'Bilinear'
CUBIC_CONVOLUTION = 'CubicConvolution'
CUBIC_SPLINE = 'CubicSpline'
LANCZOS = 'Lanczos'
MAX = 'Max'
MEDIAN = 'Median'
MIN = 'Min'
MODE = 'Mode'
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = 'NearestNeighbor'
class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.TimeUnit

ZORDER time units.

DAYS = 'days'
HOURS = 'hours'
MILLIS = 'millis'
MINUTES = 'minutes'
MONTHS = 'months'
SECONDS = 'seconds'
WEEKS = 'weeks'
YEARS = 'years'
class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.Operation

Focal opertions.

ASPECT = 'Aspect'
MAX = 'Max'
MEAN = 'Mean'
MEDIAN = 'Median'
MIN = 'Min'
MODE = 'Mode'
SLOPE = 'Slope'
STANDARD_DEVIATION = 'StandardDeviation'
SUM = 'Sum'
VARIANCE = 'Variance'
class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.Neighborhood

Neighborhood types.

ANNULUS = 'Annulus'
CIRCLE = 'Circle'
NESW = 'Nesw'
SQUARE = 'Square'
WEDGE = 'Wedge'
class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.ClassificationStrategy

Classification strategies for color mapping.

EXACT = 'Exact'
GREATER_THAN = 'GreaterThan'
LESS_THAN = 'LessThan'
class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.CellType

Cell types.

BOOL = 'bool'
BOOLRAW = 'boolraw'
FLOAT32 = 'float32'
FLOAT32RAW = 'float32raw'
FLOAT64 = 'float64'
FLOAT64RAW = 'float64raw'
INT16 = 'int16'
INT16RAW = 'int16raw'
INT32 = 'int32'
INT32RAW = 'int32raw'
INT8 = 'int8'
INT8RAW = 'int8raw'
UINT16 = 'uint16'
UINT16RAW = 'uint16raw'
UINT8 = 'uint8'
UINT8RAW = 'uint8raw'
class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.ColorRamp

ColorRamp names.

BLUE_TO_ORANGE = 'BlueToOrange'
BLUE_TO_RED = 'BlueToRed'
CLASSIFICATION_BOLD_LAND_USE = 'ClassificationBoldLandUse'
CLASSIFICATION_MUTED_TERRAIN = 'ClassificationMutedTerrain'
COOLWARM = 'CoolWarm'
GREEN_TO_RED_ORANGE = 'GreenToRedOrange'
HEATMAP_YELLOW_TO_RED = 'HeatmapYellowToRed'
Hot = 'Hot'
INFERNO = 'Inferno'
LIGHT_TO_DARK_GREEN = 'LightToDarkGreen'
LIGHT_TO_DARK_SUNSET = 'LightToDarkSunset'
LIGHT_YELLOW_TO_ORANGE = 'LightYellowToOrange'
MAGMA = 'Magma'
PLASMA = 'Plasma'
VIRIDIS = 'Viridis'
geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.DEFAULT_MAX_TILE_SIZE = 256

The default byte size of each partition.

geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.DEFAULT_PARTITION_BYTES = 1343225856

The default number of bytes that should be read in at a time.

geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 65536

The default name of the GeoTiff tag that contains the timestamp for the tile.

geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.DEFAULT_GEOTIFF_TIME_TAG = 'TIFFTAG_DATETIME'

The default pattern that will be parsed from the timeTag.

geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.DEFAULT_GEOTIFF_TIME_FORMAT = 'yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss'

The default S3 Client to use when reading layers in.

class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.StorageMethod

Internal storage methods for GeoTiffs.

STRIPED = 'Striped'
TILED = 'Tiled'
class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.ColorSpace

Color space types for GeoTiffs.

CFA = 32803
CMYK = 5
ITU_LAB = 10
LINEAR_RAW = 34892
LOG_L = 32844
LOG_LUV = 32845
RGB = 2
Y_CB_CR = 6
class geopyspark.geotrellis.constants.Compression

Compression methods for GeoTiffs.

DEFLATE_COMPRESSION = 'DeflateCompression'
NO_COMPRESSION = 'NoCompression'